Photos: Meet The Stunning Vivian Sonny-Nsirim, Founder Of ‘Young Moms Forum’

With an unalloyed passion to inspire, motivate and educate mothers and soon-to-be mothers on parenting,motherhood, relationships, business, career and other matters of mutual interest, Vivian Sonny Nsirim started the Young Moms Forum
She started the platform on the backdrop creating the opportunity for women from all works of life to come together to share ideas on issues and challenges facing women and children, and proffer solutions to these issues among Young Moms.

Her Humanitarian drives and passion has given her a global feel in the International community. Vivian has basked a host of awards and accolades, both local and international. She has featured in multiple Online and Print platforms globally, including the United States and the UK.

Vivian Sonny Nsirim has worked with a host of International brands both in Nigeria and United Kingdom. She has ply her trade with, NHS UK, Barnet Citizens Advice Bureau UK, Partnerships-In-Care UK, Aspirations Care UK, Oiltest Group Nigeria and most remarkably, as the ‎Special Assistant to Commissioner for Budget and Economic Planning, Rivers State, Nigeria.
In a recent interview with From The Root and Naija Gist and Gossips, Vivian took us through her journey so far and how she has helped millions of Women and Children with her Platform. She also spoke about some of the challenges that may deter a young mom, and solutions towards these problems.

See excerpts from the Interview below:
Q: What inspired your drives in building this Organisation?
A: I have passion to inspire and empower the next door mother. This drive grew over the years based my experiences both professional and personally as a woman. I founded Young Moms Forum (YMF) to give feminism a diligent podium to stand on and speak out for support; To Inspire this generation of Young Moms globally. Through YMF young mothers now have the voice and the platform to inspire and motivate each other. YMF is a global community of over seven hundred thousand of young moms, from all works of life. We come together to network and provide solutions to women’s challenges. Sequel to heart breaking messages we receive on a daily basis from young moms. Young Moms Support Foundation was birthed to seek official support and empower young mothers and children in our communities.

How have you been able to sustain such an organisation with hundreds of thousands of young women globally?
A: Honestly, it hasn’t been as easy as projected. But our organic growth over the years has continue to spur me towards that good cause to annex and develop every woman in the Society. When I started this Organisation, I started it on the basis of creating that platform where every young mom can identify and articulate their voices.
I know so well, that I am a voice of the women in Society, and I am positioned to help all mothers, who cry everyday because of depression, lack of financial strength to fulfil their daily needs, domestic violence, social and marital abuses etc.
I look around everyday and I spot how difficult it is for young mom in their struggle to balance motherhood and a career life. I listen to their daily cry for marital happiness; I see how some of them envelop themselves in depression because of their weak financial muscles…. I see this as a privilege to serve the society. It is my own Humanitarian CSR.
We have been the ones supporting the organization in our little ways. “WomenSupportingWomen”
There has been no major support anywhere in terms of fundings and donations to continue to run these wonderful experiences that is liberating millions of young moms globally…. But we’ve never stopped moving, we keep creating values in Various States across Africa, and globally organising different workshops like helping Young moms acquire skills so it can reflect in our economy.

When you give a woman financial liberty, you create assurance for the family. In this movement, we have been able to build a solution for Young Women to enjoy an entrepreneurial direction and be able to make money while balancing marital life. And we keep creating more. It’s only a pity that we don’t get the support from the system. The truth is, when we create values for women in the society, when you aide them – then you’ve created freedom and sanity in the society.
Q: Depression Is a Big Problem these days amongst Young moms. How’s your organisation channeling solutions to this effect?
A: Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It is a medical condition that may cause severe symptoms that can affect how one feel, think and handle daily activities like sleeping, eating or working.
Depression is more common among young moms than men, likely due to certain biological, hormonal, and social factors that are unique to women. Most people with depression need treatment and SUPPORT to feel better.
Millions of Young Moms out there need that SUPPORTing podium that’ll sustain them; that voice that’ll cry for them, and of-course that moment she can comfortably monetise her skills and talents for the benefit of the society. At Young Mom forum we try to create this outlive, and provide counsels that will in effect in curbing depression from all angles amongst Young Moms.
Q: Tell Us About Your Forthcoming Project???
A: We are presently organizing empowerment programs for thousands of Young Moms on Skills Acquisition nationwide; and we are starting with Abuja, before extending to Lagos, Portharcourt down to other States and Africa at Large.
LilyFrank International Company is partnering with us, as we will be training on Liquid Soap Making, Farming, Tailoring, Makeup, Tying of Gele, Bead Making & Fascinator, Turban, etc…. We solicit for sponsors and partnerships from government, private and public organisations and individuals.
We are also working on a campaign on Depression Awareness, Teenage Pregnancy, which we will be announcing on Facebook Group and our other Social Media Platforms.

Q: Your Final Words Ma?
A: A Young Mom dies by suicide on a daily basis. Suicide is not caused by weakness or a lack of courage, but rather by having had to be strong for too long. It is time for society to support one another. It is time for Women to support each other. Do not die in silence. Speak out and seek for help.
Let us continue to give the best we can in annexing a better society and curbing all form of abuses. We look forward to a Societal system where government and corporate institutions will continue to stretch their hands in facilitating Humanitarian services in Africa. I encourage every African Young Mom out there to continue in the movement, we have God’s backing

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wow. it cool

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